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Businesses and organisations across all areas of industry rely on recruitment specialists to select the best candidates, train them, and introduce them into new roles. The Diploma in Recruitment Specialist is a complete online recruitment training course covering practical techniques, theoretical knowledge and key employment legislation, preparing you for professional consultancy and hiring manager roles.

Course description

Taught through video lessons, online study materials, automated assessments and practical exercises, the Diploma in Recruitment Specialist is designed to be an accessible, informative qualification. Across multiple modules delivered by expert instructors, you will learn how to identify and interview potential employees, design successful training programs, and provide effective feedback. You will also gain broader, transferable skills in business management, leadership and professional communication.

Course design

The course is delivered through our online learning platform, accessible through any internet-connected device. There are no formal deadlines or teaching schedules, meaning you are free to study the course at your own pace. You are taught through a combination of
  • Video lessons
  • Online study materials
  • Mock exams
  • Multiple-choice assessment

How is the course assessed?

To successfully complete the course you must pass an automated, multiple-choice assessment. The assessment is delivered through our online learning platform. You will receive the results of your assessment immediately upon completion.

Will I receive a certificate of completion?

Upon successful completion, you will qualify for the UK and internationally-recognised certificate and you can choose to make your achievement formal by obtaining your PDF Certificate at a cost of £9 and Hardcopy Certificate for £15.

Why study this course

Whether you’re an existing practitioner or aspiring professional, this course will enhance your expertise and boost your CV with key skills and an accredited qualification attesting to your knowledge. The [course_title] is open to all, with no formal entry requirements. All you need is a passion for learning, a good understanding of the English language, numeracy and IT, and to be over the age of 16.

Course Currilcum

    • Module 1 – Introduction to Recruitment: Importance and Implications 00:17:00
    • Module 2 – An Overview of the Recruitment Industry 00:26:00
    • Module 3 – The UK Recruitment Legislation 00:19:00
    • Module 4 – Sales and Selling in the Recruitment Industry 00:11:00
    • Module 5 – The Recruitment Process 00:47:00
    • Module 6 – Key Performance Indicators for the Recruitment Industry 00:25:00
    • Module 7 – Candidate Attraction for Recruitment 00:35:00
    • Module 8 – Candidate Management 00:22:00
    • Module 9 – Candidate Interview Processes 00:24:00
    • Module 10 – Client Acquisition 00:36:00
    • Module 11 – Client Strategy in the Recruitment Sector 00:25:00
    • Module 12: Client Management 00:27:00
    • Module 13 – Steps to Starting and Running a Successful Recruiting Service 00:23:00
    • Mock Exam – Recruitment Consultant Diploma 00:20:00
    • Final Exam – Recruitment Consultant Diploma 00:20:00
    • Introduction to Recruitment 00:15:00
    • Recruitment 01:00:00
    • Shortlisting 00:15:00
    • Selection 01:00:00
    • Definitions of Training and Development 00:15:00
    • Considerations in the Design of Training Programmes 00:15:00
    • Implementing Training 00:15:00
    • Learning Methods 00:30:00
    • Module One – Getting Started 00:15:00
    • Module Two – Introduction to Recruitment 00:30:00
    • Module Three – The Selection Process 00:30:00
    • Module Four – Goal Setting 00:30:00
    • Module Five – The Interview 00:30:00
    • Module Six – Types of Interview Questions 00:30:00
    • Module Seven – Avoiding Bias in Your Selection 00:30:00
    • Module Eight – The Background Check 00:30:00
    • Module Nine – Making Your Offer 00:30:00
    • Module Ten – Orientation and Retention 00:30:00
    • Module Eleven – Measuring the Results 00:30:00
    • Module Twelve – Wrapping Up 00:15:00
    • Module One – Getting Started 00:30:00
    • Module Two – Defining and Knowing the Position 01:00:00
    • Module Three – Hiring Strategy 01:00:00
    • Module Four – Lure in Great Candidates 01:30:00
    • Module Five – Filtering Applicants to Interview 01:00:00
    • Module Six – The Interview (I) 01:00:00
    • Module Seven – The Interview (II) 01:00:00
    • Module Eight – Selection Process (I) 01:00:00
    • Module Nine – Selection Process (II) 01:00:00
    • Module Ten – Making an Offer 01:00:00
    • Module Eleven – Onboarding 01:00:00
    • Module Twelve – Wrapping Up 00:30:00
    • History of the Interviewing Process 00:30:00
    • The Recruitment and Selection Process 00:15:00
    • Factors in the Hiring Process 00:15:00
    • Cost Analysis 00:15:00
    • Job Analysis and Position Profiles 00:30:00
    • Determining the Skills You Need 00:15:00
    • Finding Candidates 00:30:00
    • Advertising Guidelines 00:00:00
    • Screening Resumes 00:30:00
    • Performance Assessments 00:30:00
    • Problems Recruiters Face 00:15:00
    • Interviewing Barriers 00:15:00
    • Non-Verbal Communication 00:15:00
    • Types of Questions 00:30:00
    • Case Study 00:15:00
    • Traditional vs. Behavioral Interviews 00:30:00
    • Other Types of Questions 00:15:00
    • The Critical Incident Technique 00:15:00
    • Listening for Answers 00:30:00
    • Difficult Applicants 01:00:00
    • Interview Preparation and Format 00:00:00
    • Other Interview Techniques 00:30:00
    • Scoring Responses 00:15:00
    • Checking References 00:30:00
    • Human Rights 00:15:00
    • Recommended Reading: Recruitment Consultant Training 00:00:00

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